What is Heal Sitting?

My many years of working with patients with a variety of problems and the experience I have gained, all that have shown me that without doing something for ourselves on a daily basis about the body aches we have, anything the therapist does for us has a temporary, often even short-lived effect and soon we will need the services of the person who has temporarily relieved our condition again. This is a vicious circle that we can break out of if we take responsibility for ourselves and our own health and start taking concrete action to address the causes of our problems.

Many of these problems and pains come from an imbalance of muscles in the body. When there is a problem, the body doesn’t stop moving. This leads to congestion, stiffness, and tension in the muscles that compensate, as – this coupled with the reduced range of motion inevitably leads to pain that impairs our quality of life. And this pain is the body’s only way of telling us that something is wrong and it’s time to make a change.

This is where the Heal Sitting system comes to the rescue! It is for all people who want to take responsibility for themselves and bring balance back to their bodies and mind.

What is Heal Sitting?

Heal Sitting is a system of specialized, simple, and easy exercises and techniques that you can do sitting in a chair at a time that suits you from home or work. The exercises aim to balance the physical and emotional body, achieve optimum health and live a happy, balanced and fulfilling life. The system incorporates many techniques from applied kinesiology that balance and activate the muscles in the body so that it begin to work in sync. The exercises have a healing effect and affect various problems related to the musculoskeletal system. The effect of the exercises comes immediately, that is why they are so unique!

Why did we create the Heal Sitting exercise system?

We created the Heal Sitting system so that more people can experience the magic of applied kinesiology and, most importantly, very easily deal with their physical and emotional problems themselves.

Are the exercises suitable for people with pain and different diagnoses?

Yes, the exercises are designed for people with different problems. You can successfully affect the neck, back, shoulder, and low back pain if you perform the exercises regularly and give your body time to learn to work properly. When we massage certain points, we move and relax spasmed muscles giving the body a chance to heal and realign itself.

Can Heal Sitting reduce stress?

The most unique thing about this system is the balancing of the autonomic nervous system. It controls the internal organs and is triggered by peaks of the emotions of fear and anger. We experience these emotions often, and through them, we unconsciously trigger the autonomic nervous system and it goes into stress. This stress can last for days, months, or even years. With the exercises from Heal Sitting, we very quickly restart the autonomic nervous system and the body quickly normalizes its functions and begins to work in balance.

Can Heal Sitting be performed by children and the elderly?

Yes, it can! We have worked with many children and adults and they feel very good when they practice Heal Sitting. The exercises are gentle and are done in a seated position, they are very suitable for people who have difficulty moving. And for children, the exercises help balance and improve posture.

Why is it important to exercise every day?

In our hectic lives, many factors can unbalance our bodies. For this, it is important to do Heal Sitting regularly. Exercise reboots and rebalances us extremely quickly and helps us to be in great health every day!


*These articles are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician for any questions you may have about your medical condition.

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