The 5 best exercises for the knee joint

Exercises that will help to develop the knee joint. The essence of them is to strengthen the muscles of the hips and buttocks around the Knee Joints.

The knee joint is a supporting joint. It has a complex anatomical structure, so it is easily injured. To get rid of knee pain, focus on strengthening the thigh and buttock muscles around the knee joints. Here are some exercises to help you develop your knee joints. Do them four days a week. But make sure that they do not cause you discomfort. If the pain increases, stop exercising.

  • Knee exercises
  • Squat with a ball on a chair
  • Leg rotations
  • Bridge
  • Rolling a ball
  • Stretching of quadriceps

1. Squat with a ball on a chair
Sit on a chair, and squeeze a ball (you can take a pillow) between your knees.

Your feet should be completely on the floor. Raise your hands in front of you with palms facing down. Shift your weight to your heels and stand up from the chair, straightening your arms completely. The ball is clasped in your knees the entire time. Hold this position for 30 seconds.


2. Leg Rotations.
Stand next to a chair, hold your right hand on the back and put your left hand on your waist. Bring your left leg to the side and raise it 45 degrees above the floor. Continue the movement by bending your knee and pulling it toward your chest. Then return the leg to the starting position, but do not lower it to the floor. Repeat 20 times for each side.


3. bridge
Lie on your back, bend your knees and squeeze a ball between them. Rest your feet on the floor and lift your pelvis while tensing your abs and glutes. Hold this position and press the ball 30 times. Then lower yourself back down onto your back.


4. Rolling the ball
Lie on your back, bend your knees, and rest your feet on the floor.

Place the ball under your left leg and roll it until it is straight. Then return the leg to the starting position in the same way. Do 5 repetitions, then change legs.


5. Stretch the quadriceps.
Stand up straight, and grasp the back of the chair with one hand. Bend your leg at the knee by grasping it with the toes of your hand. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then stretch the other leg in the same way.


*These articles are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician for any questions you may have about your medical condition.

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