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The change
We can develop methods and experiences that utilize the body’s natural ways to revive to help patients feel fully alive and move on with their lives pain-free. There are fundamentally two areas: body and emotions. Which one of those is the best for any particular patient is a complex question. Most people I have worked with require a combination.
This has been my life’s work. In this effort, I’ve been supported by my students at the Heal Sitting center, which I founded ten years ago. Together we have treated thousands of people with bad posture, TMJ, arthritis, and back pain. We have a long tradition of discussing different treatment work for particular individuals.
How can people gain control over their body pain and return to being masters of their own ship?
Each of the methods I developed through this sit-healing practice, proved their efficacy from age 10-73. It became so popular that we decided to make the Heal Sitting Method available, which by this moment is sold over 2000 times
I created this method to serve both as a guide and an invitation – an invitation to dedicate ourselves to facing the pain in our body, explore how to treat it, and commit to ourselves to using every means we have to prevent it.