9 IMPORTANT Points to Avoid Viral Diseases

The immune system is called the shield of the whole body because it determines how often a person gets sick and how strong his defense cells are in the fight against viral and bacterial attacks. So everyone tries to strengthen their invisible “protective shell”. One of the most effective, as well as simple, and cheap ways to increase immunity, is acupressure according to the method of Professor Alla Umanskaya.

Scientists have established that there are more than a thousand bioactive points in the human body, which are responsible for the work of various organs and systems of our body and are closely connected through the nerve endings with the brain center.

The nine most important points

The author of “Shield from All Sicknesses” has analyzed the most important 32 points, from which she chose nine fundamental ones.

With their help, you can increase the efficiency of the immune system.

These 9 points are a kind of remote control buttons, pressing which activate the most important organs of our body: heart, lungs, brain, liver, and stomach.

Therefore, the Uman point massage is not just a usual cosmetic or medical procedure, it is the prevention of diseases and ailments, based on the stimulation of bioactive zones, the release of interferons, secretory antibodies, and immunoglobulins into the blood, strengthening the nonspecific defense of the body.


Acupressure according to Professor Umanskaya’s method has several rules:

  • Pressing on certain points is carried out in a strict sequence.
  • The procedure begins with the 1st point and ends with the 9th one.
  • The massage is carried out with screwing movements. The fingertips should be pressed 9 times clockwise and the same number of times counter-clockwise.
  • Points 3, 4, 6, and 8 are paired, that are located symmetrically on the right and left sides of the head, therefore they must be treated simultaneously.

Area number 2 is the most sensitive, therefore the pressure force should be minimal.
The point located in the chest area should be massaged with 4 fingers simultaneously.

Point 3 is recommended to be pressed carefully, because the carotid artery is located in this area, the work of which depends on normal blood circulation.
Massage of point 4 is carried out not by force of pressure, but by stroking from top to bottom. Point massage according to the author’s recommendations is done with the tips of the thumb, index, and middle fingers.
The efficiency of the massage depends on the number of sessions. For the prevention of diseases, it is advised to do such massage 3 times a day. It takes only 1-2 minutes.


Location of points for an effective procedure

Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya, developing her own technique of acupressure, quite well and in detail described the location of the necessary points, the force of pressure on them, and the organ that is connected with them.


So, the first point is the respiratory system organs: bronchi, lungs, as well as the main organ – the heart.

By acting on the point, you can improve blood circulation and increase the access of oxygen to these organs.

Place 4 fingers below the jugular fossa. Around the little finger will be the first point.


The second point is responsible for protecting the body from infectious diseases. It plays an important role in the process of formation and normal functioning of the immune system.

However, it is worth noting that you should not go above the jugular hollow and the pressure force should be minimal.


The third point is located on the neck. If you place your index fingers on the surface of the neck on both sides of Adam’s apple, you will feel the pulse beating.

Let’s go 1 cm upwards – this is the third point.

Massage in this area should be careful not to press the carotid artery. It regulates the thyroid gland and reduces hoarseness.


The fourth point is responsible for the functionality of blood vessels, the diaphragm.

Light pressure in the area of 1-5 cervical vertebrae at the back and sides of the neck relieves headaches and reduces the likelihood of pharyngitis.


The fifth point is located in the area of the seventh cervical and first thoracic spine.

Nerve endings intersect here, so it is recommended to massage gently, stroking and pressing the skin lightly.

The impact on this point allows you to correct the work of the heart and lungs and normalizes the vascular tone.


The sixth point is responsible for the functioning of endocrine glands, and the production of interferon and antiviral components. It is located on the wings of the nose.

Daily massaging of this area improves hearing and accelerates the development of speech in children.


The seventh point influences the frontal compartments of the brain and is responsible for the blood supply of gray cells. It is located slightly below the height of the eyebrows.

If you regularly press on the seventh point with the pads of your index finger, you may get rid of headaches and eye pain, and improve memory and attention.


The eighth point is the ear area, the cartilaginous protrusion on the outer ear.

Massage of this area reduces pain in the ears and throat, trains the vestibular apparatus, and removes the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.


The ninth point is located on the hand where the bend line passes into the palm.

Massage in this area is aimed at the general strengthening of the entire body. This point is a kind of amplifier of all 8 above mentioned.

Massage behind the method of Umanskaya normalizes the work of vital organs, increasing the protective functions of the body.

Most often this massage is attributed to children and people whose profession is connected with mental work. It is very effective during viral epidemics.


Means, which should always be.
Its effect will strengthen the phytoncide onion solution. Very well, if in your bathroom always (and not only during epidemics) will be a jar with a phytoncide onion solution – to wash your nose and splash in the eyes and ears.

The solution should be prepared in such a way that all members of the family had enough for one time.

  • Mix 1 tsp. finely chopped onion with 4 Tbsp. boiled cool water
  • Steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain through gauze
  • Add a little honey or a few grains of salt, and stir.

After preparing the solution, it is advisable to put one drop in the corner of the eye, and if you do not feel a strong burning sensation, then the solution can safely inject into children, including infants.

If it stings a little, you should add another 1 tbsp. water, although there is nothing wrong with a slight burning sensation, small children will continue to be afraid of the unpleasant procedure and resist the injection.

During epidemics, nasal irrigation with a phytoncide onion solution should be done as often as possible, ideally every two hours, putting a few drops in each nostril.


* Healsitting.com articles are for informational and educational purposes only and do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your doctor for any questions you may have about a medical condition.

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