Can't sit, stand, or sleep without pain? This long-hidden secret could be the key...

Finally, Chronic Pain Relief That's Simple, Effective, and Works While You Sit

If nagging back pain, stubborn shoulder aches, or relentless knee discomfort steal your joy, here's the breakthrough you've been waiting for.

“Years of knee pain made everyday walks impossible. The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method changed that – now I enjoy walks with my dog and play pain-free with my grandkids!” – Linda P., Age 62

“I spent years on treatments with only temporary relief. This method feels different – my back pain is better, I sleep soundly and feel less stressed overall.”
Mark S., Age 48

“Chronic pain made me feel defeated. The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method gave me back control – the exercises are easy, and the results are incredible!” – Emily R., Age 55

Hey there, Pain Fighter,

My name is Jason Steel. I’ll fully introduce myself in just a moment. Let me share something revolutionary with you: the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method.

Our unique method is a combination of the wisdom of ancient 4000-year-old Chinese acupressure techniques (a pressing technique used to relieve pain and muscle tension),

the science of kinesiology (the study of movement), and the breakthrough in mind-body coordination exercises.

In plain English, we mix a really old Chinese pressure-point method, the science of understanding how we move,

and new ways to help your mind and body work together better—it’s the only one of its kind in the entire world!

What sets it apart even further is the ease and accessibility of the exercises involved.

You don’t need any special equipment, and you can do them all from the ease of your home, sitting comfortably on a chair.

This method not only makes it convenient and accessible but also ensures that anyone, regardless of their physical condition or living situation,

can benefit from these life-changing exercises without having to step outside their comfort zone.

With simple-to-follow, powerful exercises, you can finally break free from constant chronic pain and regain your life.

This method isn’t just about reducing pain.

It’s about reclaiming your life.

Whether your passion lies in gardening, enjoying long walks, or playing with your grandchildren,

the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method empowers you to return to the activities you love, free from the constraints of chronic discomfort.

Designed specifically for individuals 45 years of age and older who are determined not to let pain dictate their lives, this method offers hope.

Say farewell to the endless cycle of doctor visits, ineffective treatments, and medications that never seem to work.

Chronic pain is more than an inconvenience;

it’s a thief of joy and autonomy.

Traditional methods often provide temporary relief, leaving you searching for something more

—something that addresses the root cause of your pain.

The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method is great because it helps your body calm down and heal itself naturally by working with a part of your body’s nervous system.

“I'm barely living...

Emma, a 54-year-old grandmother, whispered, her voice choked with despair.

For 17 years, chronic back pain turned her world into a tiny room.

Every step was a struggle, her life was reduced to painkillers and endless hours in bed.

Emma’s story is all too familiar.

Doctors, pills, therapy…

They all promised relief, but the pain remained her constant, cruel companion.

She lost her job, and her freedom, and watched her body betray her with each passing year.

Then, amidst the desperation, her brother found the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method.

Emma was skeptical, her spirit worn thin.

‘What if this fails too?’ she asked.

But a quiet voice inside urged her to try, one last time.

Within days, something shifted.

‘The exercises were so gentle, yet somehow… powerful,’ she recalled.

Five-minute walks stretched longer.

She cooked her meal for the first time in years.

‘It’s like my body remembers how to live again,’ she told me, a spark returning to her eyes.

Emma’s journey isn’t about a miracle cure.

It’s about rediscovering strength, step by step.

The pain didn’t vanish at once, but her power over it grew.

Today, she shops for her groceries, walks with a newfound lightness, and sees a future beyond the walls of that small room.

If Emma can reclaim her life, imagine what’s possible for you…

Chronic Pain Conquered: Hear How Others Found Relief with the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method

Verified Reviewer


Great training!!! Clear concise and easy to follow while sitting.

Matthieu V.
Verified Reviewer

Very powerful

Best course I have ever been through...It is needed for your personal and professional life to handle your body in an easy way. I would definitely recommend this to everyone who is any sort of body pain.

Verified Reviewer


This really helped just now, I was very much mid-anxiety attack and this helped bring me out of it and feel safe thank you Heal Sitting

Luke B.
Verified Reviewer

The best investment

Thank you so much for this amazing course! I spend most of my time working from my desk and even though I regularly worked out, I still have back issues like tight back muscles, tight hamstrings etc. I had started incorporating daily some of these excercises and there is an immediate difference.

Chinwah D.
Verified Reviewer

You need this....

Great information! Easy to follow and understand!

Derick H.
Verified Reviewer

An incredible amount of pure gold

5 years of pain and this course is bringing my mobility back I haven’t felt this good in years thanks

Verified Reviewer

Great course

I sit all day working, this morning my back was just killing me, and this course made my day.

Verified Reviewer


This was exactly what I needed! My work's been pushing me around like crazy. Tasks heaping up, constant prioritization, I don't know where to start! This course doesn't solve my problem but it makes it easier for me to me take the steps in the right direction. Truly makes me feel better. Thanks!

Verified Reviewer

Love it

As an IT professional aka desk sitter specialist, with these few routines I instantly noticed a difference. I’ll definitely incorporate them each day. Thanks!

Denis V.
Verified Reviewer

Denis V.

This course for very very relevant and relatable for me. Extremely informative, nuanced and practically easy to apply. Thanks a lot Jason 🙂

Verified Reviewer

Just Phenomenal

Found this course as I was studying for my exams. great info! Usually, I'm slow with my tasks when I'm off the workouts. This makes sense. Thanks a lot!

Cristian M.
Verified Reviewer

thank you

This course brought tears to my eyes. I am not having an anxiety attack for 1 year now. My Teenage self, all the years of anxiety and panic attacks, all the depression, all the stuff I went through, I wish I had a course like this back then.

Verified Reviewer


I've learned so much from this. This should be studied in schools. I wouldn't be who I am now, because of this. Truly helps me battle procrastination.

Noah K.
Verified Reviewer


This is amazing I feel so anxious about every going on in my life right now and this really did help!

Verified Reviewer



Verified Reviewer


During a depressive episode, it’s really hard to even watch a video for long enough. Mind is in torment. But I find this practice to be really soothing when recovering from it. Thank you.

Verified Reviewer

Love this course!

Realised that it works perfect in combination with the Pomodoro Technique where you set a timer for 25 minutes (productive time) and then take a 5 minute break. Such breaks are actually very good for remaining focused as well.

Verified Reviewer


I can’t believe I no longer feel pain in my shoulder blades. Thank you so much!

Verified Reviewer

Simple exercises

The best part is that I don’t even have to get up. Super easy to feel healthy fast!

Verified Reviewer

Easy to follow

This course has taught me acupressure points in the body , wrists and forearms. I find this to be very helpful in maintaining a self-care routine.

Verified Reviewer

Awesome course

Exactly what I needed for my aching back!! Thank you!

Verified Reviewer

Pure value

Thank you for this. This surely helped me get rid of my stress

Verified Reviewer

Changed my life

Interesting to see how simple the exercises are to remove pain in the back.

John D.
Verified Reviewer

I'm happy again!

This course was really great, I enjoyed it and will start putting into practice all the tips and techniques learned, thanks a lot once again, it was really helpful!

Verified Reviewer

It's really good

Thanks! My posture has improved tremendously. My confidence level boosted and I started feeling amazing after following the exercises and stretches routine with amazing results. This really changed my life!

Verified Reviewer

Best investment

My own personal experience for taking this course was a phenomenal. I really enjoyed it and there is a lot of useful information that can help everyone or those who want to improve their body.

Ana S.
Verified Reviewer

One of the great courses

Great course with clear and practical strategies to relieve pain. The course kept me engaged throughout. Thank you! 🙂

Verified Reviewer

It is worth it!

I enjoyed learning all this good knowledge to keep a healthy body.

Verified Reviewer

Thank you!

Great training!!! Clear concise and easy to follow while sitting.

Verified Reviewer


I have been able to apply what I have learned on myself. I love the relief I feel. also very informative.

Verified Reviewer

Game changing

Helps me treat my back pain . Thank you

Years of searching, countless appointments, endless treatments… and yet, the pain stubbornly remains.

If this sounds all too familiar, let me tell you this: 

It's not your fault.

Our traditional healthcare system often lets chronic pain sufferers down.

Doctors rely on the same limited tools – pills, procedures, therapies

– that may provide fleeting relief, but rarely address the root of the problem.

You’ve done everything you’ve been told to do, and it still hasn’t been enough. 

That’s incredibly discouraging, but it doesn’t mean there’s no hope.

Promising new approaches and a deeper understanding of chronic pain are emerging.

You are not alone. 

Millions struggle with chronic pain, often feeling misunderstood and underserved by the medical system.

The good news is, that science is advancing, and effective treatments exist – even if traditional models haven’t caught up yet.

The system may have failed you, but you don’t have to fail yourself.

There’s a different path forward…

Why Symptom-Masking Isn't Healing

If doctors, pills, and countless treatments have only offered temporary relief, it’s easy to feel frustrated and even angry. 

Our healthcare system too often focuses on numbing the pain, not finding and addressing its true source.

Big Pharma thrives on selling quick fixes, not lasting solutions.

Their goal is to keep you dependent on medications, not to empower you to heal.

It’s a business model, not a conspiracy – but a model that often fails chronic pain sufferers.

While the system might let you down, the power to change your situation lies with you.

You deserve more than just managing your pain;

You deserve a method that promotes true, lasting healing.

The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method is designed to empower you with simple, effective tools to address your pain at its core.

No complex equipment, no difficult routines – just proven techniques you can practice from home.

Scientific research confirms the benefits of acupressure:

Studies demonstrate significant reductions in pain, anxiety, nausea, headaches, and more.

It works by releasing endorphins, reducing inflammation, and calming your nervous system.

Two Paths, One Choice

Picture this: One path is a worn, uphill struggle. Each step echoes with familiar pain, each day a battle against your own body.

You know this path; it leads nowhere but to further suffering.

The other path is less clear, but it beckons.

It whispers promises of relief, of rediscovering the simple joys you’ve forgotten.

This path holds the potential for a life where pain isn’t the master, but a distant memory.

It's Time to Choose

You don’t have to accept a future defined by pain. Each day you wait is another day lost to discomfort. 

Each day you remain trapped on that old, familiar path is a day where your pain has the upper hand.

But step onto this new path – the one built on the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method – and transformation starts now.

This is your chance to reclaim the life pain has stolen

Invest in Your Future Self

Choosing this new path isn’t just about today’s relief.

It’s about the weeks, months, and years ahead where pain fades into the background.

Imagine the activities you’ll rediscover, the energy you’ll regain, the freedom you’ll feel.

That future starts today!

Jason Steel

My Struggle, Your Hope

Years ago, my back gave out.

Each morning was a battle against my own body, the simplest tasks filled with dread.

The ache wasn’t just physical – I couldn’t play with my kids, missed out on life, felt my spirit fading…

Sound familiar?

That desperation inspired my journey.

Now, my name is Jason Steel, and I created the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method to guide YOU out of the pain maze.

Desperate for answers, I refused to give up.

I studied ancient healing practices, the science of how we move, the mind-body connection…

My obsession grew.

Ancient scrolls on acupressure, dusty medical texts on movement therapy, cutting-edge pain research.

I devoured anything that hinted at a different approach.

My bedroom became a makeshift lab, my body the testing ground.

Each failed technique fueled my desperation, but a stubborn hope kept me going.

I’d feel a flicker of improvement with a certain pressure point, a fleeting release with a mindful stretch…

Then disappointment again.

But those tiny victories were a lifeline.

Sleepless nights were spent refining techniques, testing combinations…until slowly, a pattern emerged.

It’s NOT a miracle cure, but a toolset born of my struggle – simple exercises, targeted techniques I could do anywhere, designed for real life, not a sterile clinic.

My mission isn’t just to sell a product.

It’s to walk beside you, the way I wish someone was there for me.

I know the loneliness, the doubt, the desperation for something to finally work.
Trust me – there’s a way out of the pain maze. The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method offers you the tools I built for myself, and the guiding hand I never had.

Take that first step, and let’s find your way back to a life beyond pain.

The Power of Three: How the Heal Sitting™ Acu Method Tackles Chronic Pain

Imagine your body as a network of energy, a complex system where pain signals travel like frantic messages.

The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method works to untangle these signals, promote balance, and empower your body to heal from within.

The Power of Touch: For centuries, Chinese acupressure practitioners have mapped the body’s pathways.

By targeting specific points with gentle pressure, we can release tension, improve circulation, and “turn down the volume” on pain messages that bombard your nervous system.

But pain isn’t just about blocked energy; 

It’s often a protective instinct, a misguided attempt to avoid further hurt.

Kinesiology-based exercises teach your body that movement can be safe again.

Simple, targeted movements rebuild strength, restore flexibility, and show your brain that it doesn’t need to trigger the pain alarm at every turn.

Chronic pain is a relentless foe, wearing down not just your body, but also your spirit.

Mind-body techniques empower you to take back control.

From calming breathing exercises to simple visualizations, these tools help break the stress-pain cycle, easing the anxiety that so often amplifies your discomfort.

The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method isn’t just about what you do, but how it fits your life.

Chair-based exercises mean no intimidating gym settings or complicated floor routines. 

Instead, you’ll transform everyday moments into opportunities for healing – sitting at your desk, watching TV, or even waiting in line.

This is relief on your terms.

Studies show that acupressure can be effective in relieving chronic pain.

A meta-analysis of 15 studies showed that acupressure was effective in relieving various pains, including low back pain.

Here's What You'll Experience with Heal Sitting™ Acu therapy course...

An In-Depth 7-Module Program Based on 5+ years of Deep Knowledge, A lot of Studies and read books,  Expert Insights, and Real World Results from doing the exercises for an extended period.

Module 1 - Freshen up

Module 1 - Freshen up

Starting with five exercises warming up your entire body.

Exercising time: around 2 mins.

Module 02 – Detox, Anxiety, Focus, and Sleep

Module 02 – Detox, Anxiety, Focus, and Sleep

This module contains eight exercises for immune boosting, detoxification, and energy boosting.

Exercising time: around 7-8 mins.

Module 03 – Head, Neck, Shoulders, and Upper back

Module 03 – Head, Neck, Shoulders, and Upper back

Eighteen exercises combined in this life-changing module. Starting from your head and neck.

Exercising time: around 15 mins.

Module 04 – Lower back, Pelvis, and hips

Module 04 – Lower back, Pelvis, and hips

Helping you to deal with your lower back pain. Improving pelvis and hips mobility. 

Exercising time: around 8 mins.

Module 05 – Arms and Wrists

Module 05 – Arms and Wrists

In this module, you can improve your balance and mobility. 

Exercising time: around 3-4 mins.

Module 06 – Legs, Knees, and ankles

Module 06 – Legs, Knees, and ankles

In this module, you can improve your balance and mobility. 

Exercising time: around 8-9 mins.

Module 07 – Posture correction

Module 07 – Posture correction

Four easy-to-follow improving your posture and balance.

Exercising time: around 3 mins.



Bonus 1:


Breaking FREE from Overthinking

Bonus 2:


Body Scan Meditation for Relaxation and Mindfulness

The Ultimate Guide to Deep, Restful Sleep Every Night.

Bonus 3:


The Ultimate Guide to Deep, Restful Sleep Every Night.


Because we are trying to reduce your stress, not increase it, we give you a Lifetime 100% money-back guarantee.


After our course, we guarantee that you will improve your overall mental and body health. In addition, feeling more relaxed and calm reduces overall stress.


If you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase, just email us at [email protected], and we’ll issue you a full refund directly to your credit card.


Are you stuck at a desk all day? Feeling physically and mentally drained? It’s not your fault!

Click the "BUY NOW" Button Below and Start Experiencing The Enormous Power of "Heal Sitting™ Acu therapy" Now!
Heal Sitting is an online course with easy-to-follow full-body exercises that anyone can do at home or office.
Here are The Empowering Teachings and Gifts You'll Receive When You Enroll in our course now:
  • Lifetime access to the powerful 7-module program to experience and gain lifelong skills in the healing power of ancient 4000-year-old Chinese acupressure technics
  • 50+ videos to unleash your inner self-healing genius and experience exponential joy, energy, and vibrant health and vitality
  • An unconditional Lifetime 100% money-back guarantee for a risk-free trial to ensure that this course is a perfect fit for you
  • Free bonuses worth over $70 
  • Advanced teachings to learn how to work with energy to bring health and healing to others

$185.99 $1.99


The Time is Now. Every day spent trapped by pain is a day lost. Imagine yourself a month from today, stronger, more mobile, and feeling renewed hope.


That future starts with a single click. Enroll now and start reclaiming the life you deserve.


This isn’t just about your pain; it’s about your life! With every step you take towards healing, you’re not just reducing a symptom, you’re unlocking your full potential.


The Heal Sitting™ Acu Method will give you the tools for a calmer mind, a stronger body, and the unwavering belief that a brighter future is within reach.

Legal Disclaimer:

The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It does not offer medical advice. Viewers should make their own independent inquiries and judgments before acting on any information it contains.


How do I use Heal Sitting™ for self-help?

Start by watching our exercise videos. Choose a routine that fits your time and targets your specific pain areas. Aim for 20-25 minutes daily for maximum benefit, but even shorter sessions help!

Why make Heal Sitting™ a daily habit?

Think of it like brushing your teeth for your muscles and nervous system! Daily practice reduces pain, improves mobility, and boosts energy levels for a better quality of life.

It hurts when I do some of the exercises – is that normal?

Some tenderness is common, especially at first. This often means those are the spots that need the most attention! Keep practicing gently, and the discomfort should lessen over time.

Can I do Heal Sitting™ during pregnancy?

Yes, you can start to Heal Sitting by the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy. Avoid the exercises that include the belly points, the diaphragm, and the buttock muscles. All the rest exercises should be done lightly without too much pressure. During this time you can calm your nervous system and prevent pain and cramps. After giving birth Heal Sitting can help your muscles and nervous system recover faster.

I have a knee/hip replacement. Can I still benefit?

Absolutely! Heal Sitting™ is designed to strengthen the muscles supporting your joints, which is crucial for pain relief and recovery after surgery.

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1.Effects of Acupressure on Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis;
2.Alternative Therapeutics for Sleep Disorders; Acupressure Points and Massage Treatment
3.The Opioid Epidemic in the United States
4.The relationship between chronic perceived stress and error processing: evidence from event-related potentials
5.Deepak Chopra: The 5 Simple Steps That Will Make Your Mind Limitless! | E241

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